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Dear Friends,
As we enter 2025, our thoughts turn to the children in Grade 2 and the celebration of their First Reconciliation and First Eucharist within the East Windsor Catholic Family of Parishes. This is always a very joyful time for a family and for the parish community. Jesus, the Good Shepherd continues to call these children to follow Him and to grow as a disciple. We have sent this home with all the Grade 2 children in our affiliated schools. We recognize that some of you may attend a different parish or your children may not have received Roman Catholic Baptism so please disregard this information if it does not apply to your family situation or give us a call if you have questions. Please fill out the registration form and carefully look over the schedule of important dates regarding these sacraments. The completed form can be returned the night of the parent meeting: Wednesday, January 22nd at St. John Vianney church and Thursday, January 23rd at Our Lady of the Atonement church.
Both meetings will be held in the church and start at 6:30 pm for approximately one hour. You may attend either meeting as the programme is the same for both church sites. This will give us a chance to explain the preparation programme and to answer any questions. You can also go to our website and click on the button First Reconciliation and Eucharist and fill out the form and submit it online. You can also return the form to the parish office at 2940 Forest Glade Drive or put in the mailbox at St. John Vianney church. Please do not return to the school.
If your child received the Sacrament of Baptism at a parish other than one of the communities in our family-Our Lady of the Atonement, St. Anthony of Padua (Hungarian), St. John Vianney, Our Lady of Fatima or St. Vincent de Paul, you will
need to include a copy of the certificate with the registration form.
Please keep handy the schedule of all preparation classes and dates of celebrations. You will see from the schedule that Reconciliation will be celebrated in early March and reception of the Eucharist will begin following Easter in May. Be sure to include your email so that we can stay in touch and provide information as we go along. There is a registration fee of $25 per child which helps to cover the costs of the books the children will be using. Please bring this on the night of the parent meeting.
We look forward to celebrating with the children and their families. Contact Maria Mollica 519-735-6023 ext. 23 [email protected] for any questions regarding this preparation programme.
In Christ,
Fr. Rob Rocheleau, Pastor
Fr. Mark Poulin, Associate Pastor
Maria Mollica. Coordinator of Youth and Family Ministry
Parents Meeting in Church: Wednesday, January 22, 6:30pm
All classes take place in the St. John Vianney Hall – 6:30pm till 7:45pm
First Reconciliation Classes:
Wednesday, February 5
Wednesday, February 12
Wednesday, February 19
Wednesday, February 26
First Reconciliation Celebration
Saturday, March 1st, 10:00am to 12 Noon - in church OR
Thursday, March 6th, 4:00 to 6:00pm at Our Lady of the Atonement Church
First Eucharist classes:
Wednesday, March 19
Wednesday, March 26
Wednesday, April 2
Wednesday, April 9
Wednesday, April 16 (Holy Week)
Wednesday, April 23 - in church (includes Parents)
First Eucharist Celebrations (Choose date & time at Parents meeting)
Saturday, May 3, 5:00pm and Sunday, May 4, 9:30am
Saturday, May 10, 5:00pm and Sunday, May 11, 9:30am
Saturday, May 17, 5:00pm and Sunday, May 18, 9:30am